ADVATx Laser Integrative Dermatology Open House - June 27th 2024 When: June 27th, 2024 Time:…
Khai’s holistic approach to anti-aging
Khai’s approach to Anti-aging comes from a holistic view of the physical, emotional and environmental impacts on the body. As we age we lose our innate ability to regenerate, it is important to start your anti aging journey as soon as possible. It is much easier to prevent signs of aging than it is to reverse them. However, Khai is able to meet you wherever you are in your aging process and help set reasonable and achievable goals.
Khai offers a variety of cosmetic and dermatology treatments as well as diet and lifestyle counseling specific to your needs. All of these treatments are based on stimulating collagen and elastin production, increasing circulation and reducing inflammation. These are regenerative techniques that utilize your own body’s healing system. As opposed to botox and fillers, Khai uses an all natural and holistic approach. This is a great natural alternative to invasive surgeries, face lifts or toxic injection techniques that can have long term negative effects.
Cosmetic acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is a subtle but effective way to prevent and treat signs of aging on the surface as well as addressing the body internally. Most commonly cosmetic acupuncture treats the face by lifting and plumping skin as well as targeting fine lines and blemishes. Any part of the body can be treated such as abdomen or stretch marks. Subtle changes can be seen after one treatment, but long lasting results usually take 6-10 treatments. There is no down time after a cosmetic acupuncture visit.

Lymphatic massage and stimulation
Lymphatic stimulation using cups or a gua sha stone can assist in draining excess water retention and toxin accumulation. Facial cupping is a great addition for treating dark circles or puffiness around the eyes. Using a gua sha stone helps with muscle tone and shape for the jaw line, cheek bones and neck area. Khai can also teach you how to do lymphatic massage, cupping and gua sha at home so you can add these techniques to your daily routine. This can also be helpful for those suffering from headaches, jaw pain or sinus pain.
Facial Bio-Injections
Khai also offers intradermal facial injections. This is a similar technique to mesotherapy, where she injects all natural substances into the dermal layers to rejuvenate the skin. When administered by an acupuncturist, these injections enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture by stimulating acupuncture points for a longer period of time. They also bring nutrients into the area of the face that most need them, providing a regenerative healing process. Substances used include homeopathic injectables like placenta comp and collagen. These are mild and safe for the body, with no known negative side effects.
Because acupuncture and bio-injections are regenerative, they can actually reverse the effects of botox. Botox paralyzes the muscles in the face in order to slow down aging, acupuncture increases collagen production and circulation, which can reverse the actions of Botox. Natural treatments generally work slower but last longer and are more in balance with the overall health of the body long term.

Medical microneedling
Khai is trained and experienced in medical microneedling. She uses a high RPM (18,000) AcuMicro pen with a 12 needle adjustable tip (up to 2.5 ml) and Chinese herbal serums as well as Vegan Apple Stem Cells. Microneedling increases keratinocytes and stem cells which produce collagen and elastin in the face. It’s better at treating wrinkles, age spots, scars, skin tone, acne and other blemishes.
A microneedling treatment includes facial massage, application of numbing cream and body acupuncture for relaxation and full body circulation. Generally results are seen with 3-4 treatments that require one day of down time (no makeup, sweating or sun and some redness). Each treatment must be done at least three weeks apart to allow for healing. However, cosmetic acupuncture or nano needling can be done in between to enhance results and speed up recovery.
Medical Nano-needling
Nanoneelding uses the same AcuMicro pen but utilizes a more gentle needle tip that does not penetrate into the dermal layers of the skin. There is no down time so this is a great treatment to do the same day before a social event or photo shoot.
A step up from regular microneedling is the latest microneedling technology utilizing Radio Frequency (RF). This is a non-invasive and highly effective way to treat wrinkles, skin tone, texture, scars, acne and to remodel sagging skin and adipose tissue. Khai uses the Potenza RF microneedling device that can treat all skin types, anywhere on the body.
Potenza RadioFrequency(RF) Microneedling
The Potenza microneedling treatment delivers focused radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat your skin. Using RF technology will trigger your body’s natural response to create an increased level of collagen and elastin production, resulting in an enhanced skin revitalization treatment versus microneedling alone. RF energy produces a change in the electrical charges of the treated skin creating an electron movement. The resistance (impedance) of the tissue to that electron movement generates heat, resulting in soft tissue coagulation.
A Potenza RF microneedling treatment involves an individualized treatment plan specific for your goals. Acupuncture for relaxation or a hydration IV is also provided during your treatment. There is one day of down time but redness usually only lasts for a few hours after the treatment. Khai also offers recommendations for your skin care routine to maximize and protect your results. As your natural collagen and elastin production is stimulated, you will continue to see results improve over the next 6 months. A full course of treatments consists of 3 – 5 sessions depending on your individual needs. Generally, one treatment for every decade of life is recommended.
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