“integrated approach”

Dr. Andrew Simon and staff provided an inviting yet professional environment to receive care in. I appreciated his straight forward approach to my health. I was able to get my questions answered without feeling rushed like with many doctors and his answers were knowledgable but easy to understand. In addition, Dr. Simon was able to provide me a dietary plan to help me improve my energy and feel less inflamed and he didn’t overwhelm me with supplements either. What was really cool was during my visit, I had mentioned I had this weird kink in my neck for a week and he was able adjust my neck and back! I really appreciate the integrated approach Dr. Simon takes.

“personal and professional”

Dr. Simon is a very personal and professional physician. He is not only knowledgeable but he also takes the time to listen to all aspects of your life which exemplifies the integrative care model!

“well trained naturopathic physician”

Dr. Simon is a well trained naturopathic physician fluent in many different treatment options. I appreciate the time he takes to educate and explain every step of the way!

“My back feels much better”

My Back feels much better after Dr. Simon adjusted my low back and neck, not rushed or too quick like other chiropractic adjustments I have had in the past. Thanks!

“listens to everything”

I’ve been seeing Dr. Andrew Simon and am feeling healthier everyday. Dr. Simon listens to everything I have to say and asks great questions to figure out what is the root of the problem. He also spent the time to explain how Biofeedback can really help me. I am excited to work with him.

“anxiety management”

Dr. Andrew Simon provided a clear and direct approach to anxiety management that allowed me to prevent the need for medications. Very upfront about holistic and integrated approach, definitely feel more empowered, and excited to learn more about everything offered.

“specialized knowledge over many fields”

I’ve been to many doctors in the Seattle area, and Dr Simon is one of the best I have found. Here are some things I’ve really appreciated about Dr Simon after working with him over the past several months:
1. Listening skills: He is an attentive, active listener.
2. Educates: he really takes the time to educate you about yourself and set you up for success & to maintain your optimum level of health on your own.
3. Education/background: His specialized knowledge over many fields: nutrition, fitness & exercise, chiropractic, mindfulness, breathwork, biofeedback, and naturopathic medicine. Many times I’ve had a question in concerning one, and he very specifically relates to another that other doctors had never pointed out.
4. Works with your budget: Very respectful of where you are at financially, won’t pressure you to spend more than you can currently afford on treatments, supplements, additional complimentary care, etc and is quick to pass on any affordable or free options/alternatives, resources and/or tools.

What I appreciate about Fit Naturopathic/the Facility:
1. “Teaching Aids”: Forgive the language here, coming from a teaching background, but as a visual learner myself, it’s come in handy that Dr Simon has a big screen Mac computer that he can flip your way to help you follow his explanation of a particular system whether that be anatomy, chemistry, musculoskeletal system, etc.
2. Reception: the receptionists are welcoming and professional. They have also been in my experience very responsive (returning calls) and responsible (to follow through on what they say they will do, relay a message, call back when they will, give you accurate information, etc). Unlike many offices, they almost always answer the first time, there’s no little to no wait-time or need to leave a message which can lead to needless confusion/complication, and then there’s always:
3. The “Klara” Messaging System: their online patient messaging system, which Dr Simon promptly responds to.
4. Facility: Very nice facility & convenient location, if you’re a Ballard local!

“work hard for all their patients”

I truly wish every Dr could tape lessons we need alot more Dr who care and work hard for all their patients his team is always friendly and respectful they gather all the information and then talk about it instead of just generalizing everything and assuming very attentive all around good experience I recommend them everyday of the week and twice on sunday

“Exceptional Physician”

Exceptional Physician. Before seeing Dr. Simon, I was unaware Naturopaths were able to do spinal adjustments like Chiropractors. Dr. Simon also has a great weight management program and offers a couple of different types of B-12 shots at reasonable rates. His office is right next to the Olympic Athletic Club which makes it very convenient. Highly recommended.

“can’t say enough good things”

I see Dr. Simon and can’t say enough good things about him. He goes at a pace the patient is comfortable with, he isn’t pushy, he has products on hand, he is quick, on time, and understanding. He has great prices if you don’t have insurance and is willing to work with you. When I had to switch doctors because my old doctor was leaving I was anxious and overwhelmed, but I’m so happy with my choice and he has made the transition super smooth. I can’t recommend him highly enough, and he was also rewarded top doctor in Aug of 2017!

“Unique take on any health condition”
What I believe sets Dr. Simon apart from the rest is his unique take on any health condition. His perspective on how to approach your health tactfully with intelligence and empathy while keeping your holistic health in mind is the result of years of cumulative study in multiple fields. Coming from a science background myself, it was clear to see that his studies translate to his practice. After an MVA that left me with chronic pain, I received many adjustments from him which were gentle and specific unlike that I had received from chiropractors who get use to their ways and often over adjust or wrongfully adjust without touching their patients. Dr. Simon is a holistic doctor of natural medicine who is careful to do a thorough intake as he listens to you, and answers all your questions before he begins to communicate with your body to get to the underlying cause. I would highly recommend Dr. Simon for any ailment, especially if you are stuck between multiple providers and do not feel you are getting better or if you simply want a second opinion.
“it was literally life changing”

I spent years of my life sick and trying to find a doctor who could help me. None of them listened and it only resulted in them treating symptoms and loading me full of prescription drugs. When I found Dr. Schule it was literally life changing. I feel better every day, I’m losing weight, I have more energy, and I’m living life again. Dr. Schule looks at the big picture, and takes the time to listen. I cannot praise her enough.

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