Natural Anxiety Treatment

Natural Anxiety Treatment in Seattle

Natural Anxiety Treatment in Ballard, Seattle

Naturopathic Physicians are uniquely capable of supporting patients with natural anxiety treatment methods as primary care physicians. Utilizing the same methods for assessing anxiety, providing appropriate referrals to counselors, but also integrating several areas of medicine to treat a patient holistically from the beginning.

At Rebel Med Northwest, licensed Naturopathic Physicians counsel patients about understanding their anxiety triggers. We help patients re-establish the mind body connection and create an environment for a patient to recover from periods of anxiety, or acute stressors to the nervous system. This allows the person to recover from the negative consequences that chronic or traumatic stress has on the body over time including digestive deregulation, weight gain, headaches, fatigue, and much more.

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Natural Low Back Pain treatment in Ballard chiropractic

Chiropractic Alternative

Chiropractic vs Naturopathic Manipulation

Trigger Point Injection being performed as a treatment prior to a spinal manipulation treatment

Naturopathic Physicians can mobilize the spine using naturopathic manipulations similar to chiropractic techniques.  Dr. Andrew Simon, & Dr. Kathy Severson at Rebel Med NW in Ballard provide a wide range of treatment options including, manual manipulation, therapeutic stretching, activator technique, drop table techniques, pelvic blocking, active release techniques and more.  A difference in philosophy guides naturopathic physicians who aim to resolve the root cause of the structural imbalance, and to minimize the force and frequency of spinal manipulations. A Naturopathic Physician has the unique integration of care for patients because we are able to order imaging, prescribe medications, and perform manipulations on the spine.

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Natural Hypertension Treatment

Natural Hypertension Treatment

Natural Hypertension Treatment and You: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is prevalent in about 33.5% of the adult population aged 20 and over. In 2012, 34 million patients visited their doctors with hypertension as their chief complaint. (1)

What is Hypertension?

Blood pressure is determined by two things: the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure. Hypertension can be asymptomatic, but this does not mean it is not damaging. Uncontrolled hypertension can cause serious health complications, including heart attack and stroke. (2)

What Causes Hypertension?

There are two kinds of hypertension: primary (or essential) and secondary. Secondary hypertension is caused by something outside of the cardiovascular system, such as kidney or thyroid disease, sleep apnea, or chronic alcohol use. Essential hypertension is more common, and research shows that dysregulation of the nervous system is largely responsible. Specifically, the sympathetic nervous system (your “fight or flight” response) is overactive, and the parasympathetic nervous system (your “rest and digest” response) is under active. (3)(4) So what can be done?

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