Summer Supplements in Seattle

5 Must Have Supplements for Summer Travel in Seattle

5 Must Have Supplements for Summer Travel in Seattle By Dr. Kathy Severson, ND As we enter the season of summer, vacations will increase as Americans prepare for summer break, wedding season, road trips and international travel. Below you will find the type 5 supplements for summer travel we would recommend. In the “Summer Travel…

5 Must Have Supplements for Summer Travel in Seattle

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Functional Medicine for Cardiovascular Health in seattle

Functional Medicine for Cardiovascular Health

Functional Medicine for Cardiovascular Health What does it mean to truly maintain and optimize your cardiovascular health? This article will explore how you can consider auditing your own approach to using functional medicine for heart health in a few simple steps. Know what next steps or questions you need to take when working with your…

What does it mean to truly maintain and optimize your cardiovascular health? This article will explore how you can consider…

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What is a Whole Foods Diet?

What is a Whole Foods Diet? I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Whole Foods Diet” Swirling around the world of nutrition, but do you fully understand what it means? This is not a diet aimed at getting you to shop at the popular Amazon owned grocery store. It encompasses much more than what one grocery…

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Whole Foods Diet” Swirling around the world of nutrition, but do you fully understand…

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Anti-Aging with Khai Bhagwandin

ANTI-AGING WITH KHAIRUL BHAGWANDIN Khai's holistic approach to anti-aging Khai’s approach to Anti-aging comes from a holistic view of the physical, emotional and environmental impacts on the body. As we age we lose our innate ability to regenerate, it is important to start your anti aging journey as soon as possible. It is much easier…

Khai's holistic approach to anti-aging Khai’s approach to Anti-aging comes from a holistic view of the physical, emotional and environmental…

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A Holistic Approach to Sports Medicine

A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO SPORTS MEDICINE I started snowboarding in my teens And quickly became obsessed. As soon as I got my learners permit I would drive myself two hours to the mountain every weekend. Now that I am older and have begun my career as an Acupuncturist, I have realized the way this sport…

I started snowboarding in my teens And quickly became obsessed. As soon as I got my learners permit I would…

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Cupping Therapy: A Brief Intro

CUPPING THERAPY:A BRIEF INTRO Cupping therapy is an ancient form of medicine That has been used in multiple cultures all over the world. It is considered to be a type of deep tissue massage and has similar effects as massage therapy, moving fluids in the body and loosening muscles and tissues. It pulls blood up…

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of medicine That has been used in multiple cultures all over the world. It…

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OPTIMIZE YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION THROUGH BREATHING Respiratory health can improve immunity in a COVID-19 world and beyond… Anxiety and stress makes us breathe more rapidly and shallowly. We tend to hold our breaths, which leads to engaging and freezing our muscles such as our abdominal muscles, pectoral muscles of the chest, and our diaphragm. A…

Respiratory health can improve immunity in a COVID-19 world and beyond… Anxiety and stress makes us breathe more rapidly and…

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ballard naturopathic medicine, alternative medicine


An unforeseen reality sets in I look out the window and I realize that I haven’t been outside all day even though I’m spending more time at home due to quarantining during COVID-19 (oh the irony). It’s going into the 5th straight hour of Zoom calls and my eyes are starting to burn and I…

An unforeseen reality sets in I look out the window and I realize that I haven’t been outside all day…

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Acupuncture and Your Immune System: Keeping your Wei Qi Healthy!

Acupuncture and Your Immune System: Keeping your Wei Qi Healthy! Wei Qi, The Body's Protective Shield  In Chinese Medicine, the body’s protective shield is called Wei Qi and is controlled by the lungs. This is our protective layer and keeps us from being infected by external pathogenic factors. When our protective qi is strong we…

Wei Qi, The Body's Protective Shield  In Chinese Medicine, the body’s protective shield is called Wei Qi and is controlled…

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COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Guidance From Rebel Med NW

COVID-19 Guidance and Care Operations at Rebel Med NW While the Covid-19 Pandemic is officially considered over, its effects and ongoing nature of challenges can still be affecting many different individuals as we continue to learn its ongoing effects on various population groups in our community. Here are a couple of key guidelines we encourage…

While the Covid-19 Pandemic is officially considered over, its effects and ongoing nature of challenges can still be affecting many…

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