Seattle Met Top Doctor 2018

Dr. Andrew Simon – Seattle Top Doctor 2018 – Naturopathic Medicine – Seattle Met Magazine

Seattle Met Top Doctor 2018

Dr. Andrew Simon – Rebel Med NW

Seattle Met 2018 Top Doctor

Dr. Andrew Simon ND
Naturopathic Physician Board Certified in Biofeedback & Seattle Top Doctor in 2017 & 2018

Seattle Top Doctor 2018 – Seattle Met Magazine

Rebel Med Northwest is excited to announce that Dr. Andrew Simon was voted Seattle Top Doctor 2018 in Naturopathic Medicine by Seattle Met Magazine. This is the 2nd year in a row that Dr. Andrew Simon was voted by the medical community by his peers, and will be featured in the August 2018 issue of Seattle Met Magazine. Rebel Med NW (formerly Fit Naturopathic) has seen tremendous growth in 2017 and 2018, with the additions of providers expanding services in Mind Body Medicine, cardio-metabolic health, women’s wellness, physical medicine, mind body medicine, and other functional and integrative therapies. Check out last year’s article on Dr. Andrew Simon voted Seattle Met Top Doctor in 2017.

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Fit Wellness Centers

Fit Wellness Centers Fit Wellness Centers in Ballard is no more! Instead, we are excited to announce that Fit Naturopathic…

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Natural Weight Loss Classes

Manage Blood Sugar Naturally

Manage Blood Sugar Naturally

The easiest way to manage blood sugar naturally is to decrease your sugar intake. Look at the ingredients and find foods that are low in sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and modified corn starch. Even “natural” forms of sugar are still sugar and will affect your blood levels. Check out the Fooducate app to scan foods at the grocery store to learn about their quality and how much sugar they contain.

Here are more simple ways to manage blood sugar naturally:

Eat breakfast every day with protein

By eating breakfast every day with a source of protein, you can balance your glucose and have the energy to do the things you love. You’re less likely to be hungry or reach for sugary snack slater in the day. Getting at least 15 grams of protein a couple of times a day can stabilize your blood sugar and even help improve your sleep. Four ounces of cottage cheese or a half-cup of almonds are examples of how you can get to 15 grams of protein pretty quickly. Other great protein sources include quinoa, beans, lean meats, nuts, seeds, yogurt and eggs.

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Naturopathic Medicine Ballard Clinic

Healthy Posture in the Workplace

Healthy Posture in the Workplace: to Improve your health

Anything you do for eight hours a day is going to affect your health. This includes things as mundane as how you maintain your posture throughout the day in the workplace. This guide from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) can tell you how to determine if you have poor posture. And here’s why you should be concerned:

  • Muscle tension: Sitting with your head forward can cause muscles in your neck to strain and become tense, particularly the trapezius muscle. Over the long term, this can change the curvature of your spine, leading to arthritis or decrease your range of motion.
  • Risk of injury: Sitting in a poor posture frequently can harm your lower back by leading to uneven pressure on the lumbar disks. This can make you predisposed to a more significant injury while lifting a heavy object, playing sports, or in a motor vehicle accident.
  • Blood circulation: Sitting for extended periods can pool blood in your legs, leading to swollen ankles and increased risk for varicose veins or a deep-vein thrombosis if other clinical risk factors are present.
  • Decreased confidence: Body language affects your interactions and communication. Sitting with a forward head tilt, rolled-in shoulders, and slouched posture can affect your mood, energy, and confidence. Learn how to become more resilient to stress with Biofeedback training

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How to Optimize Sports Performance in Seattle

Optimize Sports Performance in Seattle at any age!

Optimizing Sports Performance in Seattle at Rebel Med NWCheck out an exciting opportunity to listen to Dr. Andrew Simon, Seattle Met Magazine’s Top Naturopathic Physician for 2017 and 2018, discuss how to decrease pain naturally through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation to optimize sports performance in Seattle at any age. Learn how to take care of your joints and muscles for long lasting health and wellness with many common foods and at home options. Dr. Andrew Simon is Adjunct Faculty at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, and is Clinic Director of Rebel Med Northwest in Ballard.
Time: 10:00am to 11:00am
Cost: Free
Registration required for New Seasons Sports Performance Class
Check out a few of the suggestions from Dr. Andrew Simon below on how to begin optimizing your sports performance today!
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5 ways to Improve Sleep Naturally

5 ways to Improve Sleep Naturally

Here are 5 ways to improve sleep naturally. Learn to decrease insomnia, improve energy, and feel better every day. Remember it is important to identify the cause of why you may be having interrupted or poor sleep by speaking with a physician.

Stress Management

Recognizing stress and your response to stress is an important step to improve sleep naturally. Excess stress due to work, school, financial, or even health-related stress can increase your cortisol levels. Increased cortisol levels can negatively affect the quality and consistency of sleep. Over time this can affect blood sugar elevation and weight gain. Mind body medicine techniques, acupuncture, and massage are great ways to help deal with stress.

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lose weight naturally

Lose Weight Naturally

Lose Weight Naturally with the Rebel Med NW Program

Losing weight is a side effect of feeling healthy and having increased energy.  At Rebel Med Northwest in Ballard, our physicians take a holistic medical assessment to determine where you are with your health. We then support your goals for losing weight, maximizing your body’s ability to handle stress, improving sleep, and encouraging a functional digestive system all to facilitate natural and sustained weight-loss.  We make it as easy as possible for you to keep your body moving and feeling well with a customized weight loss plan that fits your schedule and other needs.

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