When it comes to maintaining optimal gut health, two key players you should know about…

Small Business End of the Year Sale
To help support our small business during the end of the year, considering looking at some of our services that we are offering, with no expiration. It has been a tough year on all of us and we wanted to offer some discounts on some of our popular services at Rebel Med NW. Our goal is to give back to the community in the best way we know how, keeping you healthy, strong, and stress-free. We would like to see everyone resilient and stronger in 2021. Instead of offering a Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Small Business Saturday deal, we are letting these deals last throughout the end of the year. Meet with our Naturopathic Physicians or Acupuncture providers to learn more.

Support Ballard Business & The Ballard Alliance – Save 10%
We are a proud member of the Ballard Alliance and encourage everyone to support the local Ballard Business community. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the small business community hard this last year including local retail and restaurants. In an effort to support local businesses, we will continue to support a 10% off retail and supplement purchases through March 31st, 2021 if you bring a receipt from the last week for your purchase from a local Ballard Business.
Remember to Shop Local and support your community during this time, learn more about how to shop online through the Ballard Alliance Website.
Learn more about Rebel Med NW and it’s team of Small Business practitioners.

End of Year Small Business Sale
10% additional discount to Vitamin B12 & Nutrient Injection Packages
15% off IV Nutrient Therapy visits & packages
20% off Prescribed Dietary Supplements
10% off Gift cards of $100
15% off Gift Cards of $200
10% additional off acupuncture and biofeedback packages
Remember that just like training other muscles of your body, breathing in a different way can feel difficult or unnatural at first, but that with practice it becomes more natural and easy, and in this case, healthier.
Breath through your nose
- Exhale to the count of 5 or 6
- Allow automatic inhale for a count of 4 or 5
- Make sure that your ribs and abdomen lower during inhalation and decrease a bit during exhalation.
- Check in with your neck and shoulders that they are relaxed. We often engage these breathing “accessory” muscles when we breathing anxiously because our bodies are engaged in a “fight/flight” stance.
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