Insurance Exchange and Concierge Membership Information

It’s that time of year again!:

Insurance Open Enrollment

Although not the most exciting thing in the world, this time of year has a lot of implications for your budget and your health moving into the new year. This year, Rebel Med NW is offering a free Health Budgeting Review for our current and prospective patients. We want to help you understand how to best budget for your health moving forward and maintain the best access to care at our unique clinic. To schedule your complementary Health Budgeting Review with a Rebel Med NW provider, please email [email protected] and our front desk staff will reach out to you to schedule a consultation.

Here are the Insurance platforms that Rebel Med NW will be In-Network with in 2024:

Naturopathic Medicine Team 

Premera / Lifewise
Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Choice
Kaiser PPO 

Cigna / ASHlink – No physical medicine
Personal Injury (PIP) & Motor Vehicular (MVA) plans

Dr. Andrew Simon only
Ambetter / Coordinated Care

* NDs are not recognized in all states. Please check with your specific plan to ensure that you understand your benefits.

Acupuncture Team

Premera / Lifewise
United Healthcare
Blue Cross Blue Shield

First Choice – Good out-of-network benefits
Personal Injury (PIP) & Motor Vehicular (MVA) plans

Dr. Phonexay Simon only
Kaiser PPO
Ambetter / Coordinated Care

*Insurances vary and are limited in diagnosis codes eligible for acupuncture. Please check with your specific plan to ensure that you understand your benefits.

Rebel Med NW Concierge Membership

We’ve been talking it up for awhile now, and it’s finally here. The Rebel Med NW Concierge Membership plans are live. Why have we chosen to go this direction? At the bottom of this newsletter you will find some links to articles across the internet from reputable publications documenting the struggles that have been experienced across the healthcare field in regards to insurance. You have probably yourselves experienced the frustrations and confusion associated with insurance billing.

Typically, concierge medicine has been associated with serving higher income communities. At Rebel Med NW, that is not our goal. We are trying to create a hybrid system that serves our whole community: Our own providers and staff, and the residents of our local community that come to us for care.

By choosing to be a Member at Rebel Med NW, you are choosing to put your money back into yourself, your wellbeing and longevity, as well as into your community. Your membership directly supports our small local business. Our revenue is shared amongst our doctors and staff – the very people who are seeing and serving the community – Our Community – everyday! It might take some re-prioritizing at first, but we have made our membership programs accessible and value-filled as an investment for the health of our patients.

With a membership at our office, you will be able to:

  • Easily budget for your health & wellness services with a simple fixed monthly fee. Eligible for most Health Savings Accounts.
  • Have better access to your provider through texting/messaging.
  • Access to 24hr turnaround for urgent prescriptions and referrals.
  • Access to urgent same-day add-on visits when needed.
  • Waived administrative fees / blood draw processing fees
  • Enjoy special Membership Pricing for our non-insurance services
  • Inclusion to all VIP sales, events, and pricing
  • Pre-invest in personal self-care through Membership credits that you can apply towards non-insurance services and procedures.
  • Build and maintain a plan of lifelong wellness and self-care that works for you.
  • All three of our Concierge Membership plans include the Vitamin Injection Membership within them.
  • Our Radiant and Robust plans includes complementary spinal manipulation tune-up visits.

Here is an overview of our membership tiers

Resilient Membership

Best for those who would like a wrap-around for their insurance plans. With our Resilient Membership your insurance benefits are able to cover most of your medical needs at our office and the membership takes care of the fees. It provides better access to your doctor than your insurance alone allows, and builds in self-care incentives that you’ve already pre-invested for yourself.

Radiant Membership

This membership tier works well for patients who have insurance benefits, but those benefits don’t quite cover enough of the care that you need. The Radiant membership builds in more freedom for comprehensive care while still using what benefits are available from insurance. It provides better access to your doctor than your insurance alone allows, and builds in self-care incentives that you’ve already pre-invested for yourself.

Robust Membership

The Robust membership is for patients who want to budget for a more comprehensive healthcare partnership without the hassle of insurance involvement. You can still get labs, imaging, medications, and an allopathic PCP covered through your insurance plan, but you want the integrative and authentic care at Rebel Med NW as your primary health and wellness team. It provides better access to your doctor than your insurance alone allows, and builds in self-care incentives that you’ve already pre-invested for yourself.

Visit our dedicated webpage for more information

Read Rebel Med’s own take on Concierge Medicine and other articles around the webspace in regards to the current state of the healthcare field.

Please take some time to review the following articles from Rebel Med NW and from around the healthcare field. We understand that access to care in America is currently difficult. But we also know that the health care that we offer at our office is authentic medicine. We are balancing the need for patient access with our need to continue providing exemplary care.

High Deductible HSA Plan & Concierge care at Rebel Med NW

BLOG: Challenging the Health Insurance Model and Embracing Patient Centered Memberships

Rebel Med NW is a concierge integrative & functional medical clinic located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA. We were pleased to be voted Seattle Met Top Doctor by our peers from 2017 to 2023. Rebel Med NW provides Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Physical Medicine, and Primary Care services to the Seattle community. We practice a philosophy of holistic wellness, evidenced based & functional medicine approaches in medicine and "We are here to bring the Mind-Body Connection back to Medicine".

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