Fit Wellness Centers
Fit Wellness Centers Fit Wellness Centers in Ballard is no more! Instead, we are excited to announce that Fit Naturopathic…
Fit Wellness Centers Fit Wellness Centers in Ballard is no more! Instead, we are excited to announce that Fit Naturopathic…
Healthy Posture in the Workplace: to Improve your health Anything you do for eight hours a day is going to affect your health. This includes things as mundane as how you maintain your posture throughout the day in the workplace. This guide from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) can tell you how to…
Healthy Posture in the Workplace: to Improve your health Anything you do for eight hours a day is going to…
Chiropractic vs Naturopathic Manipulation Naturopathic Physicians can mobilize the spine using naturopathic manipulations similar to chiropractic techniques. Dr. Andrew Simon, & Dr. Kathy Severson at Rebel Med NW in Ballard provide a wide range of treatment options including, manual manipulation, therapeutic stretching, activator technique, drop table techniques, pelvic blocking, active release techniques and more. A difference…
Chiropractic vs Naturopathic Manipulation Naturopathic Physicians can mobilize the spine using naturopathic manipulations similar to chiropractic techniques. Dr. Andrew Simon,…